Wednesday, 30 November 2011

12 Days of Cookies - How to enter

Want to join in on our 12 Days of Cookies? Here's how you can participate, and maybe even win a gift card! 

  • Bake a cookie recipe from a book you borrowed from the library, send us the book title and a picture of your cookies, and you’ll be entered into a random draw for gift cards.
  • Selected entries will be posted on our 12 Days of Cookies blog page. All complete entries will be entered into the draw.

To enter, send the following, by email, to this address -

Please use the subject “12 Cookies” or your entry may appear as spam.

1) Book title (must be a book that is available through the AVRL libraries)
2) Name of the cookie recipe
3) Photograph of your baked cookies (must be your own photo)
4) Your name, email address, town you live in, and phone number, in case you win!
5) All entries must be received by midnight on December 20, 2011. You may submit more than one cookie, but your name will only be entered once.

By entering you agree that if your cookies are chosen to appear on our blog page, you allow your first name and town to be posted along with the entry. Personal information will not be used for any purpose other than this contest.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

12 Days. 12 Cookies. 12 Books.

The staff at Annapolis Valley Regional Library invite you to share in the joy of cookies.  For twelve days in December, staff will be baking – and sharing – cookies. Each recipe will be shared online via Twitter @valleylibs and Facebook, on our website, and here, on this blog. The cookies will be sent around to various branches, so you might even get to taste them!

Staff will bake a recipe, photograph it, and share the recipe and book on our blog. “This is a fun way to showcase the library’s collection of cookbooks, especially during the holidays when many people are baking.”, says Frances Newman, Regional Librarian.  The staff of AVRL invites everyone to take a look and see what we are baking on December 5-9, December 12-16, and December 19-20.