If you got a tablet or eReader over the holidays and want to know how
to load it up with free eBooks from the library, let us show you how! You can use one of our help sheets found here.
Or send us an email providing the type of device, your library card
number and how you can be reached to this address: overdrive@valleylibrary.ca
Better yet, call one of our branches to book your personal 1-on-1 help
session with one of our tutors. These
are free and available until mid-February.
Call soon, as these fill-up quickly!
If you already know how to use OverDrive, which is where you will find our eBook and audiobook collection, have a look. We've added lots of new titles to fill your eReader, tablet, or phone. Just visit this link and download titles right away! And don't forget about the Gutenberg Collection, full of classics that are always available and do not count against your checkout limit.
Did the kids get a new tablet this year? Or did you get one that you will let them use? Our Youth Services Librarian has some apps to recommend, and lots of resources for finding free and low-cost educational apps. Just visit this link to find all sorts of suggestions.
We will be offering Tablet Time family workshops in the coming months, so keep an eye out for those. You'll learn how to use apps to help your child develop early literacy skills and get ready for school, plus enjoy books and literacy activities. Coming soon to a library near you!