Monday 21 January 2013

Every Day is Family Literacy Day @your library!

January 27 is Family Literacy Day.  Family Literacy Day is a national awareness initiative created by ABC Life Literacy Canada in 1999 and held annually on January 27 to raise awareness of the importance of reading and engaging in other literacy-related activities as a family.  This year the theme is "15 Minutes of Fun" - - a reminder to take at least 15 minutes a day to read together.  Literacy isn't just reading together, though. Literacy can be found – and practised- in so many other ways.  Play a board game together – most games involve some reading! Make dinner together, using a new recipe. Create  a grocery list. All involve reading!   

Here are some other fun ideas to help with your own Family Literacy Day celebrations:
1.     Create your own comic strip about your family.
2.     Invent two new endings to your favourite book.
3.     Make up a new recipe together and post it online.
4.     Tell knock-knock jokes together while doing the dishes.
5.     Sing five songs really, really loud!
6.      Invent a new game while playing at the park.
7.      Read a story to your pet (or favourite toy).
8.     Make a paper fortune teller with eight fortunes.
9.      Write a silly poem and tell it to your family at dinner.
10.  Log on to your favourite word game - can you beat your best score?
11.  Create your family tree.
12.  Play rhyming "I Spy" - "I spy something that rhymes with..."
13.   Play a board game together.
14.  Text your friend and tell them about your holiday.
15.   Find 15 things that begin with the letter "S".

January 27 falls on a Sunday, but some of our libraries will be hosting Family Literacy Day events earlier in the week. On Friday, January 25, the Berwick Library has stories and crafts, and in Hantsport the Friends group has put together a flyer to send home with all Hantsport and L.E Shaw school students encouraging families to participate in 15 Minutes of Fun literacy activities. Families who complete 4 activities are eligible to enter a prize draw for a $25 gift certificate from Box of Delights bookstore in Wolfville. 

Year-round, we celebrate Family Literacy by offering storytimes, LEGO and board game programs, our annual Summer Reading Club, book discussion groups, computer tutorials, and more.  So plan your own Family Literacy Day at home, and come see us any time for a Family Literacy outing.  

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