Monday 10 February 2014

International Book Giving Day: Share the Love of Reading!

International Book Giving Day is a day dedicated to getting new, used and borrowed books in
the hands of as many as possible. The Annapolis Valley Regional Library is proud to participate again this year. 

A few packages of books will be sent to each of our branches.  Some of these packages will be adult books, and some will be children’s books. Each of the packages will be wrapped and hidden randomly in a library community, or perhaps even in a branch. Staff will be taking photos when the books are hidden, and these photos will be posted on Facebook as clues. Each book is a gift to whoever finds it. Please send us your stories on receiving this gift, as well as photos and we will post them on Facebook.

International Book Giving Day is an international holiday. In 2013, International Book Giving Day was celebrated by people in Australia, Canada, South Africa, France, India, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, the Philippines, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Brazil, Egypt, Poland, Greece, Portugal, Mexico, Macedonia, Malawi, Hungary, Malaysia, Israel, Denmark, Thailand, Indonesia, Jordan, China, Puerto Rico and Bulgaria. We hope that people around the world will think about the best ways to help children in need in their communities.

”I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library.” Jorge Luis Borges

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