Monday 4 April 2016

Show the love for your car!!

 April is National Car Care Month. What are you doing to show your vehicle some love?

Chilton has been helping people maintain and fix cars for decades, pretty much setting the standard for do-it-yourself car repair.  They incorporated in 1904 as Chilton Company of Pennsylvania.

Years ago, when you left your car at the shop, you’d often see these really thick and heavy volumes laying around on a shelf or a bench.  The black fingerprints indicated they were referred to regularly.    These books are published specifically for the make of car and year, both for North American models and imports.  Their graphics and step-by-step guides make for accurate and effective diagnostics and repair procedures. 

 That was then.  This is now.  Chilton also has an online database -- ChiltonLibrary -- to which our library subscribes.   You need only a library card to use it for free!   There’s a link on the bottom right side of our web page.

ChiltonLibrary is SO easy to use.   You type in the year, the make, and the model, and off you go.   They provide easy print screens that include the graphic shots which can be enlarged to suit your needs.   It also keeps an up-to-date list of any recalls or bulletins. 

 If you are already a do-it-yourselfer, or want to be one,  ChiltonLibrary is there to help you.  If you own a car that never needs repairs, please tell someone else about this very useful online tool. 

Your library card is Free and that’s all you need to access ChiltonLibrary.  Get your library card today!



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