can see what titles are available on these eReaders by searching the catalogue
for the word eReader, then looking in the table of contents of that item. Oh, you should look often as these titles
will be changed.
For example, the mystery
eReader can be found in our catalogue with this link:
It’s table of content shows the following titles:
- The 14th colony by Steve Berry
- The bones of you by Debbie Howells
- Friction by Sandra Brown
- Gathering Prey by John Sandford
- The girl in the ice by Robert Bryndza
- The girl in the spider's web by David Lagercrantz
- The girl in the woods by Gregg Olsen
- The guilty by David Baldacci
- Make me by Lee Child
- NYPD Red 4 by James Patterson
- Private Paris by James Patterson
- Someone is watching by Joy Fielding
- War Hawk by James Rollins
- What it was like by Peter Seth
- When the lion feeds by Wilbur Smith
- The widow by Fiona Barton
You can borrow the eReader
for three weeks at a time.
Have you recently replaced
your eReader and you aren’t sure what to do with the old one. If it is still in good operating condition, you
can donate it to us. We’ll add it to
this program and you’ll get a receipt for income tax purposes. The receipt will
be for one half of the current purchase price of the device.
Why not give it a try?
Charlotte Janes, Systems
and Collections Access Coordinator
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