Monday 3 August 2015

New Library Catalogue

We’ve done it again!  In April of 2014 we were able to bring some added features to our catalogue, this time it is all new. 

This new catalogue provides:
·         A more “Google or Amazon like” searching with more relevant results
·         It is responsive, changing the format of the page according to the device you are using to access it, for example, smart phones and tablets
·         Lists of new titles are easily accessible – these lists change almost daily as new material is added  

·        After you do your search you can narrow it by format, genre, fiction or non-fiction, language, year of publication, time period, place and more
·         See the reviews, summaries and excerpts on books where available
·        Add comments on titles for others to see
·        Create your own lists – your favorites, what you’ve read, what you’d like to read
·       Save your searches for future reference (In your account go to Your Saved Searches to see all of the searches since you logged in for the current session. You may choose any of the searches to save.  These will be there the next time you login.  So, if you are looking for non-fiction books on knitting or fiction sound recordings by a specific author, save your searches and check to see if there is anything new added since you last searched.)
·        Suspend holds so that they won’t arrive at the library while you are on vacation. This feature keeps your spot in the list (you cannot suspend or cancel holds that are already in the library for you to pickup)
·         Put your list of holds in order by title, suspension dates, your positions in the queue
·         Put your loans in order by title, due date and renewals remaining
·            'Cite this' feature for help with bibliographies

We work in a consortium with seven other regional public library systems.  This catalogue is used by all of these libraries, with each having a look unique to that region.  Your comments and feedback to staff or by using our CONTACT US form are very important in future developments of this service.  We hope you enjoy this new catalogue.

Charlotte Janes, Systems and Collection Access Coordinator

1 comment:

  1. Still find it really hard to use... to search for audiobooks on CD and to search other libraries than the Valley. If i'm just searching a book in the Valley, it's great!
