Monday 23 November 2015

Excitement builds for new libraries

Port Williams BRIGHT
While we are waiting to move from Port Williams "lite' to Port Williams "bright", we thought you'd like to get a little sneak peek at what this space will look like. For those of you who know the Port Williams branch, we think you'll be thrilled with the updates! It is going to be fabulous. Just take a look at those colours! And the space is changing so you'll be really happy with how the branch looks once we get back in there. It is taking a bit longer than we expected, but it will be worth the wait.

Meanwhile, there's news for two other branches! In Berwick, there's movement on the new building project. The contractor has been chosen for the new Berwick Library, Town Hall, and AVRL Headquarters. Projected date for this project to be finished is March 2017. There's a newly formed Friends of the Berwick & Area Library, and they are meeting this week on Wednesday, November 25. Community input is needed-- be a volunteer, help fundraise, or help with events. If you'd like to make a contribution to the new library in Berwick, you can do so RIGHT HERE via Canada Helps.
Fresh paint on the shelves in Port Williams

Our other big news comes from Kentville. Last week the Municipality of the County of Kings announced that it will contribute 50% of the costs for the new library in Kentville. The current library location must be vacated as construction of a nearby bridge is to take place in 2016. The partnership between the town of Kentville and the County of Kings will make it possible for the new library in Kentville to be larger and more modern. There are currently two locations that are being considered; we hope to know by the end of December where the new library will live. Because we want to know what the community sees for their new library, we will be holding some public consultations in January. Stay tuned for details! In the meantime, if you'd like to donate to the new Kentville library, you can do so RIGHT HERE by choosing Kentville in the drop-down menu.

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