National Drowning Prevention Week is July 19th – 25th and
this year the theme chosen by the Life Saving Society of Nova Scotia is YOUR LIFE JACKET
– CHOOSE IT – WEAR IT RIGHT! . The goal of the Nova Scotia branch of this
national volunteer society is to make Nova Scotia a Water Smart and Water
Active province. I am hoping this blog
post will help spread the word on the importance on life jackets.
Globally it is estimated that one million people drown every
year and according to the Maritime Drowning Report 25 -29 year olds have an average yearly drowning rate of
3.8 per 100,000.

Boating is extremely popular for all ages and this is where
a lifejacket can really mean the difference between life and death. With
numerous lakes and the ocean all around us to explore the Safe Boating Guide is
there to help you make sure that you are doing everything possible to ensure
that this activity is safe for everyone involved.
A lifejacket or personal flotation device is a small price
to pay for peace of mind and the safety of yourself, your children and yes,
even your pets. Take the time to choose
the right jacket for the right activity, some guidelines are here. There are so many options now so you are sure
to find a product that will suit. Once
you have the proper equipment head out and enjoy the waterways of this
beautiful province.
--Patricia Milner
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